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Grant Programs

Learn about our competitive grant programs and how your nonprofit can apply.

Explore Awarded Grants

Grants Directory

Want to see where grants were awarded in previous years? See grantees of our programs in our grant directory.

Other Community Investments

Nonprofit Endowments

AAACF holds endowments for more than 100 nonprofits, working in partnership with these organizations. Because AAACF has the administrative expertise to manage and steward all aspects of the endowment, each nonprofit can focus on carrying out its mission.

Endowments provide a way for nonprofits to diversify their funding and build capital for the future. Nonprofits can establish endowments, and so can donors—as current or planned gifts.

Loyal annual supporters of an organization can consider a planned gift—a gift made through your estate—as a way to ensure annual giving to your favorite nonprofit continues in perpetuity. For example, a $25,000 estate gift approximates an $1,000 check each year!

Nonprofit Loan Fund

After more than 50 years, AAACF has added a new form of charitable support to our portfolio through the launch of a $500,000 Nonprofit Loan Fund. The first of its kind in our region, the Fund offers nonprofits access to low cost, flexible capital in the form of repayable loans. Funds support a nonprofit’s mission to sustainably pursue and achieve outcomes that benefit all residents of Washtenaw County. Learn more here about our Nonprofit Loan Fund.